The paper “Citizense – A generic user-oriented participatory sensing framework” has been accepted for publication in the International Conference on Selected topics in MoWNet’17

This paper, written by Ngo Manh Khoi, Luis E. Rodríguez-Pupo and Sven Casteleyn, described the general architecture of a generic participatory sensing framework that incorporates useful functionalities such as context-aware sensing, incentives for participants, an interactive dashboard for managing the content of the sensing campaign and viewing the results. The mobile client app (in Android) can also function as an offline data collecting tool.

The framework was deployed during the Castellón Marathon (19 Feb 2017), where a satisfaction survey was created by the framework and launched, targeting the participants of the marathon. GeoTec members (Khoi, Luis and Diego) together with their friends went to the venue, met the participants and briefly showed them the platform. Some participants answered the survey right at the finishing line of the marathon while others took some time to finish it, using the mobile client app of the framework. Overall, the framework has received 140 replies from participants for the survey regarding the marathon. The marathon organizers are satisfied with the results, and analysis of the replies is currently underway.