Open Science And European Open Access Policies In H2020 – A FOSTER Seminar

The 12th of February the training seminar  “Open Science and European Open Access policies in H2020” took place at UJI. The seminar was organised by UJI in conjunction with the project FOSTER (Remedios Melero) and with the collaboration of OpenAire project (Pedro Príncipe). It consisted in two main sessions. The first one was an introduction to what Open Science & Open access is and the role of OpenAire. The second part of the seminar was mostly based on creating a Research Data Management plan.


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UJI’s ESRs attended the Smart City Expo World Congress

From 17th to 19th of November the biggest smart cities event took place in Barcelona. It was the 5th edition of Smart City Expo World Congress where more that 14.000 people attended and 400 companies from around the world were presenting their solutions for cities.

The GEO-C team at UJI attended the event in order to meet some companies, specially Urbiotica, which will be holding one of the interships from the program students. The meeting with the company let exchange some technical details about the sensor system that they developed, focused on transit and public space measuring.

Some of the students also attended the conferences held during these days, and provided a report to share to all the group, sharing the trends and learnings that result in the event.

Geo-C UJI team visited Prodevelop

Last Monday, Geo-C UJI team visited Prodevelop in order to know the business that are participating in GEO-C. These business will host different ESRs to do an internship during one month.

At nine in the morning, we were in the Prodevelop offices to begin the visit. Amelia del Rey was responsible for welcoming us and make the presentation. First, she presented the general lines of the company. Following, she discussed about the latest projects in which they participated. These projects were framed inside the smart cities context.

Finally, she was explained more precisely the project that could involve some GEO-C students. The two students that will visit Prodevelop, realized a short presentation. The visit ended with a small route within the company facilities.

GeoC and GeoTec UJI was part of Esri Developer  Summit Europe 2015.


From November 10 to November 12, was held in Berlin the last Esri Developers summit in Europe, the main developer event of Esri in Europe which meet together with their customers, professors, some partners and students related to, GIS,  Developers, and GI applications that use Esri Technology.

During this couple of days, the Geotec research group and GeoC UJI presented two talks related to their projects and initiatives. The initial presenter was Dr. Pr Francisco Ramos, who presented Picfeel“, Using a funny and engage lightning talk, engage the audience explaining the mapping and visualization of the feeling of people, using GIS analysis and Psychology research.

The last presentation was, Ph.D. Candidate Fernando Benitez, who presented Initiative Creating a GeoGeeks community. Presenting the last results and methodology to create a short and effective developer community in Colombia. Training more than 20 younger students and getting more than 100 applications using  Esri technology and geographic knowledge.

The conference had more than 200 people related to Esri developers resources with more than 30 parallel sessions, regarding python, Java, education tracks, and some GIS advanced topics to create solutions through Esri Technology.


GEO-C brings together experts and citizens for a roundable discussion

GEO-C, in cooperation with Wissenschaft im Dialog, will bring together experts and citizens for a roundable discussion on the topic “The Future City of Münster” on November 17, 2015 from 19:00 to 20:30 at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Germany. Save the date: only *two weeks* to go! If you’re citizen from Münster, or if you’re passing by Münster around that date, please join us! We would like to hear your about your fresh ideas for a greater Münster. The official flyer (german only) is available here for download.

The UJI welcomes participants of the European Ph.D. GEO-C course for the development of smart cities

The Universitat Jaume I receives from the 13th to the 25th September the members of the European project GEO-C in which participates the Universitat Jaume I with researchers from the Universidade Nova of Lisbon (Portugal) and the University of Münster (Germany). The project aims to develop a set of open software tools to facilitate the enjoyment of a more sustainable and open city, moving towards the so-called intelligent cities.

The event started with an “orientation camp” where the just arrived doctoral researchers got known to the faculty of the three partner sites and deeper insights into organization and cooperation within the GEO-C project. Then, the supervisors of the doctoral researchers conducted a “interdisciplinary block course”, each providing in one-day blocks his/her research approach for contributing to the smart city project.

GEO-C POST DOC position in Lisbon

The NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal ( is offering a full-time Post-Doctoral position at post-graduate level as Science and Technology Manager (BGCT), fixed term, to be filled from July 1st 2015 until October 31st 2018 (40 months).

The fellowship amount for the full time position (current working hours are 40 hours per week) is according to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. The full monthly maintenance stipend scale is available at Successful candidates will be placed in the BGCT group (Doctor). The level of the stipend (€1495 – €1995) within this group will be determined based on prior experience.

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Presentation of GEO-C at the Universitat Jaume I

On November 26, 2014 the mayor of Castellón, Alfonso Bataller, will participate in the presentation of the Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities that has been selected for grant preparations within the MARIE Sk?odowska-CURIE ACTIONS, International Training Networks (ITN), European Joint Doctorates (EJD). From the Universitat Jaume I, Dr. Vicent Climent, Rector, Dr. Pablo Aibar Ausina, Vice-rector of Campus, Infrastructures and New Technologies, Dr. Andrés Marzal, Executive director, Dr. Joaquín Huerta and Dr. Michael Gould from the Institute of New Imaging Technologies, will be attending.