From November 4 to November 7, 2016, Geomundus an international symposium on Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies, held by the students from the consortium of Erasmus Mundus (EM) International Master’s program in Geospatial Technologies.
This year GEO-C: Enabling Open Cities project, funded in the Marie Curie International Training Networks (ITN) program was also part of this conference. The conference took a place in Castellón, Spain.
Geo-C team at UJI University, Spain; and Geo-C Nova, Lisboa; conducted several talks to share their current research progress as well as a participatory workshop called Open Data for Open Cities (leaded by Esr11) with over 30 students from the International Master Program.
With great talks held by keynote speakers Alan Murray, Anthony Robison, and Richard Sliuzas topics such as advanced spatial analytics, slum mapping and geovisual analytics were presented for the 60 attendees. One of the most interesting session called “Career Development” allowed attendees to discuss about the multiple ways to develop a GI Career, the panel included keynote speakers and Dr Pr. Michael Gould whom shared their personal experience providing relevant advice to the attendees.
GeoC UJI and Nova research topics presented were:
- Albert Sanchez, Nova University: “Me, my place and my people”
- Fernando Benitez, Universitat Jaume I: “A different way to display information to developers and analysts in cities’ open data portals, CityData 3.0“
- Diego Pajarito, Universitat Jaume I: ” A gamified promotion of green commuting”
- Khoi Manh Ngo, Universitat Jaume I: “Participatory sensing framework”
- Manuel Portela, Universitat Jaume I: “Situational awareness as a service”
More information about last Geomundus conference visit: